自古西陲边患多,策勋自是壮山河。 三千陇路万株柳,六十年来感想何。 卧鱼形肖石盘陀,仄径崎岖踏软莎。 空穴来风声震谷,逄逄叠鼓吼灵鼍(鱼鼓石在华严寺西。)。 两峡中通八水河,海门峭壁郁嵯峨。 当流石似孤罴坐,赴海奔湍马下坡(八水河道中。)。 唱罢骊驹一曲歌,衔杯无奈别愁多。 劝君漫信风涛恶,江上犹传马伏波。 得意樽前奏凯歌,离愁遣尽乐如何。 轻舟放去看三峡,一路清猿送我过。 附:田石纯见赠原作 不唱骊歌唱凯歌, 问君此去意如何。 秋风明月江南路, 争看诗人策马过。 四十一年谋一面,太平洋上定风波。 笑看乔木高如许,夏拥君山翠更多。 江南春色近如何,桃棘忧时独放歌。 犹写上林花事好,海天黄蘖已无多。 南风三日不成雨,化作春云绿似螺。 不负小楼辽望意,看花评画忆鹰阿。 拔剑难成斫地歌,危时千念百消磨。 此才祇合瞢腾醉,四海弥天奈若何。 旧院同听紫稼歌,单衫杏子傍楼过。 天公要费痴儿泪,不把卢沟换爱河。 破敌初闻卷白波,回肠奈此曼声何。 坐中玉斗多新赠,莫为君侯致楚歌。 晨鸡一唱起南柯,门外羁人击节歌:『大地苍天原逆旅,匆匆客岁已无多』。 注:And, as the Cock crew, those who stood before The Tavern shouted — "Open then the Door! You know how little while we have to stay, And, once departed, may return no more. " 旧日湖山同醉客,只今寥落已无多。 几杯饮罢魂销尽,一一生涯酒里过。 注:For some we loved, the loveliest and the best That from his Vintage rolling Time hath prest, Have drunk their Cup a Round or two before, And one by one crept silently to Rest. 平沙万里步明驼,寻得甘泉且放歌。 莫问远乡多少路,远乡遥指是亡何。 注:A Moment's Halt — a momentary taste Of being from the Well amid the Waste — And Lo! — the phantom Caravan has reach'd The Nothing it set out from — Oh, make haste! 天公取土雕成我,爱欲痴嗔泥里和。 争又人间设果因,三生却问他生过。 注:What! out of senseless Nothing to provoke A conscious Something to resent the yoke Of unpermitted Pleasure, under pain Of Everlasting Penalties, if broke! 红猩绿翠采姿多,短缶长瓶壁上罗。 黄目无言垂醉眼,泥壶开口唱山歌: 注:Shapes of all Sorts and Sizes, great and small, That stood along the floor and by the wall; And some loquacious Vessels were; and some Listen'd perhaps, but never talk'd at all. 不事神明事酒魔,前尘后事任蹉跎。 借来年命偿杯酒,卖去浮名买醉歌。 注:Indeed the Idols I have loved so long Have done my credit in this World much wrong: Have drown'd my Glory in a shallow Cup, And sold my Reputation for a Song. 游戏人间岁月多,风风雨雨奈公何。 市朝偕隐梁鸿老,隔海犹闻五噫歌。 |