注:○玉树曲:《陈书·皇后传·后主张贵妃》:“后主每引宾客对贵妃等游宴,则使诸贵人及女学士与狎客共赋新诗,互相赠答。采其尤艳丽者以为曲词,被以新声……其曲有《玉树后庭花》、《临春乐》等,大指所归,皆美张贵妃 、 孔贵嫔之容色也。”此以陈后主之宫苑譬原文之Iram园也。皆盛极而衰。○金茎露:李商隐 《汉宫词》:“不赐金茎露一杯。”冯浩笺注引《三辅黄图》:“建章宫有神明台,武帝造,祭仙人处。上有承露台,有铜仙人舒掌捧铜盘玉杯,以承云表之露,和玉屑服之。”此以汉武帝之铜盘玉杯譬原文Jamshyd之七环杯也。皆欲久而斩。 Iram indeed is gone with all his Rose, And Jamshyd's Sev'n-ring'd Cup where no one knows; But still a Ruby kindles in the Vine, And many a Garden by the Water blows.
注:○逆旅:《左传·僖公二年》:“今虢为不道,保于逆旅。”杜预注:“逆旅,客舍也。”○双丸:二弹丸也,以之拟日月。白玉蟾《述古》其一:“乾坤两饼分,日月双丸跳。”○素檀:“苏丹”之别译,见《明史》。 Think, in this batter'd Caravanserai Whose Portals are alternate Night and Day, How Sultán after Sultán with his Pomp Abode his destined Hour, and went his way.