注:○彼是句:《庄子·齐物论》,“是亦彼也,彼亦是也。彼亦一是非,此亦一是非。”○知,智也。原文云:“莫虚掷汝之韶华,莫为无益之求索,盖彼是之辩殊无谓也。葡萄之累累尽足欢也,岂不佳胜彼无实抑苦实者?”其譬喻译之殊难。黄克孙译曰:“垦道求真终不穫,便成果实亦酸辛。何如独到南山上,摘取葡萄祭酒神。”尚称明快。 Waste not your Hour, nor in the vain pursuit Of This and That endeavour and dispute; Better be jocund with the fruitful Grape Than sadden after none, or bitter, Fruit.
注:○韶华:青春年也。李贺 《嘲少年》诗:“莫道韶华镇长在,发白面皱专相待。”原文云:“青春之诗卷亦已掩矣。”韶华句译此意也。○黄鹂啭:王维《积雨辋川庄作》:“阴阴夏木啭黄鹂。” Yet Ah, that Spring should vanish with the Rose! That Youth's sweet-scented manuscript should close! The Nightingale that in the branches sang, Ah whence, and whither flown again, who knows!